Tolin's 2024 World Cruise blog posts, Day 121, May 9, 2024, Greenwich, England, UK

River Thames is large enough for our cruise ship to make it to London outskirts

Anchored facing down river

Floating dock for transferring to tender ashore

The next moring we woke at 2:30 to complete final packing and wait for our bus to Heathrow Airport. 
            From there it's a nine-hour flight to Minneapolis then on to KCI.
We have registered for three additional cruises:
- June 2024, 24-day Bucharest to Amsterday
- Aug 2024, 15-day Wesley Heritage (footsteps of Wesley brothers) with our church
- Jun 2025, 15-day Great Lakes
Thank you for cruising along with us on this fun, educational, and enlightening journey. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.


  1. Yes, I did enjoy your cruise though certainly not as much as you! LOL That would just be unfair! Can't imagine a 121 day cruise; two or three weeks is ok but I'd be missing home after that long. Thanks for sharing all the places you visited. Looking forward to your next trips. Have fun!


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