
Showing posts from February 11, 2018

Sunday, February 18, 2018, Thursday Island, Queensland, Australia

Just off the northernmost tip of Australia’s Cape York in the Torres Strait, picturesque Thursday Island was once home to a thriving pearl fishing industry. From the late 19 th century, divers came from Japan, Malaysia, and India to harvest the precious stone of the gold-lipped oyster.  The diving has declined, but hints of Asia’s rich cultures remain.  Many island residents still live by a no-footwear policy out of respect for the spirits believed to live on the island. We were greeted with an orientation of indigenous peoples and how they lived for thousands of years before Europeans first arrived 300+ years ago.  Even though it was Sunday, towns people provided entertainment and set up craft displays.  One and only grocery store in town.  We spotted large turtles from our cruise ship while at anchor.  The cloud formation were the largest and prettiest we have seen thus far. The island’s G

Saturday, February 17, 2018, Cruising Great Barrier Reef

Stretching for 1,400 miles along the Queensland coast, the Great Barrier Reef is the only structure composed of living creatures visible from space.  This UNESCO World Heritage Site, often called the Eighth Wonder of the World, encompasses 2,900 separate reefs, 600 islands, and 300 cays.  Each harbors an astonishing variety of marine life, including 360 types of brightly hued hard coral and more than 1,500 species of fish.  The waters in this region of the Coral Sea are remarkably clear, affording a unique glimpses of life underwater, even for ship passengers.  Vibrant coral, green sea turtles, dolphins, and any number of creatures might be seen deep below the aquamarine surface. Today is a sea day in that we visited Cairns yesterday and tomorrow we will be at Thursday Island.  This evening we observed a beautiful sun set from our dining room window.    

Friday, February 16, 2018, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Cairns Panorama

Queensland’s seaside resort town, Cairns is the gateway to a rich array of natural beauty onshore and off.  Catamarans and other ships take marine lovers to the Great Barrier Reef; stretching 1,400 miles, it is the largest continuous coral reef system on Earth.  Inland, the wet tropics have given rise to Daintree and Kuranda National Parks, vast rainforest systems of biodiversity, and a profusion of birdlife.  For all its appeal to outdoor enthusiastic, Cairns thriving culture is a pleasure to absorb from outdoor cafes or along the scenic waterfront promenade. The city’s rich history lives on in its many heritage-listed buildings and memorials, many of them lining popular Abbott Street.  Monument (don't know who to)  Over 100-year old private high school.  Captain James Cook.  Fox bats in trees along divided street in town; a real menace. Today we explored  Kuranda National Park's tropical rainforest and rich culture, exploring the forest and a local villag