Saturday, April 14, 2018, Trail of Frankincense

For the first 1.5 to 2 thousand years it was moved by sea up the Red Sea then overland to the Nile to Alexandria.
The sense of smell is extremely important to the Arab culture; an art form for men/women.  Smoke = hospitality.

Western Oman has unique climate; it receives Indian monsoon rains at the correct time.  When not raining there are mists that keep it growing for ideal quality.
The resin (sap) must be carefully extracted from trees:  Men must be clean (no sex and cannot be around corpses.
 Difficult to harvest partially due to flying snakes.
Resin is placed on hot coals to obtain smoke with scent.

Baal worshipers used 2.5 tons frankincense per year:  Respect gods (aesthetic pleasure); smoke carries prayers to gods/heavens.  

 Jews used 2 pounds/day in temple.

 Collapse of Rome partially due to trading gold for Arabian Frankincense.
 As frankincense moved from Oman to Rome, the price raised 100 fold

Camels were domesticated 3-3.5 thousand years ago.
 Camel poop dry enough to burn immediately.

Trail:  65 stops with frequent tolls.  Some frankincense crossed Red Sea, moved a short distance to the Nile River and then traveled down the river to Alexandria.


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