Friday, February 2, 2018, Wellington, NZ, Wellington Highlights

Hailed as the “coolest little capital in the world,” Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. The world’s southernmost capital city of an independent nation, it enjoys a splendid setting between mountains and sea. 

These and subsequent pictures were taken from the top of Mount Victoria, which is one the east side of Wellington and is one of the highest points.  Note the office buildings:  Many businesses have moved to Auckland so the vacated buildings have been converted to apartments. 

 Ship harbor:  Note logs; timber is New Zealand's number one export.
 Rugby is New Zealand's national sport.  Soccer and cricket are also played in the stadium below.
 Today was cold (high mid 60s) and windy.  First time we needed to wear jackets.
Commercial air port has water at both ends.
 Cricket stadium.
 Maori "totem."
 1800s cannon.
 Monument to Admiral Byrd; he did a lot of south pole flying from New Zealand.  He lived almost 27 years in New Zealand during his exporations in the early twentieth century.

 Homes built in San Francisco then shipped to New Zealand in the early twentieth century.

 Bank building converted to Burger King.
Office buildings converted into apartments. 

Second largest wood building in this part of the world.

 Triangular shaped building.
 Train station.
Office building damaged in 2016 earth quake.  One bus driver told us it is damaged beyond repair and will have to be torn down while another driver said it could be repaired from inside-out.
 Cable car goes from down town shopping area to hill top with botanical gardens.

 Chinese embassy.

 New Zealand "Christmas tree;" red blooms are present from mid December to mid January.

 The legislators needed a second office building.  Some builders as a spoof drew up plans for this building on a paper napkin at a bar.  You guessed it, the legislators had this "bee hive" built for themselves.  Politicians seem to be the same world over.
 New Zealand "Library of Congress."
 Original legislature building, still in operation.
Had to throw this in for the folks at My Father's House.


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