Tuesday, December 26, 2017, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

It took three travel days to arrive at Puntarenas (sandy point) to include the first day of traveling slowly thru the Panama Canal.

We became acquainted with Costa Rica’s natural and cultural gifts on a scenic ride along the Nicoya Peninsula. 

Many town squares have large decorated Christmas trees.

Our sightseeing drive began heading east to Esparza, a picturesque town founded in 1574 by the Spanish that is now known for its hardworking people.

Local dancers greeted us at the city park dressed in traditional costumes.

The dance below was around a coffee bean tree; the dancers carried small baskets similar to those used by coffee bean "cherry" pickers. 

 Across the street from the park the dancers performed in is a small Catholic church.  We were surprised to find the wood ceiling inside.  Yesterday's blog had a picture of their manger scene behind the alter.

We had hoped to see one of the ornate ox carts in town or along the highway.  The best we could do is this two-dimensional "cart" in the park where the kids put on their dance recital for us.
This is an Internet photo of one of their infamous "Carretas."  The URL below has dozens of more photos; worth a look.


Detailed Las Carretas information can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Carretas,_Costa_Rican_Oxcarts

We rode part way on the Pan American Highway that goes from the southern South America to Alaska - some say in the US it's Interstate 5.

The Pan-American Highway from Prudhoe Bay, U.S.A. to Quellón, Chile and Ushuaia, Argentina, with selected official and unofficial routes shown through the United States and Canada.


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